Annual Report, 2007
Presentations at Review Meeting, 29 February 2008:
- William Symes: TRIP in 2008 (pdf).
- Tetyana Vdovina: (pdf-80mb), (avi-100mb).
- Igor Terentyev: Framework design and implementation of finite difference-based seismic simulations (ppt).
- Rami Nammour: Approximate inverse scattering using pseudodifferential scaling (pdf).
- Chao Wang: (pdf).
- Dong Sun: The nonlinear differential semblance algorithm for plane waves in layered media (pdf).
- Kirk Blazek: Solutions to integro-differential evolution equations with discontinuous coefficients (pdf).
- William Symes: Effective waveform inversion = nonlinear MVA (pdf).
Expanded Abstracts from SEG 2007:
- Seismic Inversion: Progress and Prospects, William Symes (pdf): presentation in Recent Advances and Road Ahead session.
- Seismic Inversion: Progress and Prospects, William Symes (pdf): more mathematical version of RARA talk, presented in workshops at UT/Austin and Mexican Mathematical Society annual meeting, fall 2007.
- Optimal scaling of prestack migration, William W. Symes (pdf): SI 2.2.
Papers, Theses, and Reports:
- William W. Symes: Migration velocity analysis and waveform inversion (pdf), to appear in Geophysical Prospecting special issue on Waveform Inversion.
- Kirk. D. Blazek, Christiaan C. Stolk, and William W. Symes: Well-posdness of initial/boundary value problems for hyperbolic integro-differential systems with nonsmooth coefficients (pdf)
- Peng Shen and William W. Symes: Automatic velocity analysis via shot profile migration (pdf), submitted to Geophysics special issue on waveform inversion.
- Seismic Inversion: Progress and Prospects, William Symes (pdf): presentation in Recent Advances and Road Ahead session.
- Seismic Inversion: Progress and Prospects, William Symes (pdf): more mathematical version of RARA talk, presented in workshops at UT/Austin and Mexican Mathematical Society annual meeting, fall 2007.
- Optimal scaling of prestack migration, William W. Symes (pdf): SI 2.2.
Papers, Theses, and Reports:
- William W. Symes: Migration velocity analysis and waveform inversion (pdf), to appear in Geophysical Prospecting special issue on Waveform Inversion.
- Kirk. D. Blazek, Christiaan C. Stolk, and William W. Symes: Well-posdness of initial/boundary value problems for hyperbolic integro-differential systems with nonsmooth coefficients (pdf)
- Peng Shen and William W. Symes: Automatic velocity analysis via shot profile migration (pdf), submitted to Geophysics special issue on waveform inversion.