Annual Report, 2011
Slides sets from review meeting, 30 Mar 12
Room 1049, Duncan Hall, Rice University.
- 0830-0900: Coffee, meet
- 0900-0915: Greetings from Prof. E. L. Thomas, Dean of the George R. Brown School of Engineering, and WWS
- 0915-1000: A nonlinear differential semblance algorithm for waveform inversion (Dong Sun)
- 1000-1050: New student introductions and brief MS thesis presentations: Lei Fu, Yin Huang, Muhong Zhou, Mario Bencomo
- 1050-1100: Break
- 1100-1130: Harmonic coordinate finite element method for acoustic waves (Xin Wang)
- 1030-1045: Overview of TRIP software projects: IWAVE
- 1145-1300: lunch at Cohen House
- 1300-1330: Analyzing the performance of IWAVE on a cluster using HPCToolKit (Loksono Adhianto and John Mellor-Crummey, Department of Computer Science, Rice University)
- 1330-1400: Linearized multiparameter inversion (Rami Nammour, Total E&P USA)
- 1400-1430: Overview of TRIP software projects: RVL and IWAVE++
- 1430-1445: Analysing the space-shift differential semblance gradient: brief progress resport
- 1445-1530: Discussion
- 1530: Adjourn
Expanded Abstracts and slide sets from SEG 2011:
- William W. Symes and Xin Wang, Subgrid wave modeling by transfer-of-approximation,, pp. 2909-2914.
- Rami Nammour and William W. Symes, Approximate multi-parameter inverse scattering: Cramer's rule and phase space scaling, pp. 2711-2716
Theses and reports:
- Marco Enriquez, The effects of coupling adaptive timestepping and adjoint state methods for optimal control problems (PhD thesis)
- Rami Nammour, Approximate multi-parameter inverse scattering using pseudodifferential scaling (PhD thesis)
- Tommy Binford, Application of harmonic coordinates to 2D interface problems on regular grids (PhD thesis)
- Xin Wang and William W. Symes, Experiments with the transfer-of-approximation finite element methods and basis localization
Papers in refereed journals (appeared, accepted, submitted)
- William W. Symes, Dong Sun, and Marco Enriquez, From modeling to inversion: designing a well-adapted simulator, Geophysical Prospecting 59, 813-833 (2011)
- Rami Nammour and William W. Symes, Multiparameter inversion: Cramer's rule for pseudodifferential operators, International Journal of Geophysics (open access), article ID = 780291 (2011)