Adventures in Mathematics, Software, Sailing, and other Pursuits

- William W. Symes

This page exists to provide access to papers, reports, books, and code resulting from my work in applied mathematics and software engineering.

I retired from Rice University in 2017. For many years I used institutional web resources to make my work available to the scientific public. Retirement pulled the plug on that option, and this web page provides a way to keep my work archive available and continue to self-publish.

From 1992 to 2017, I directed The Rice Inversion Project (TRIP), a university-industry consortium (multi-sponsor) research project aimed at resolving mathematical and computational issues in seismology and other wave-based imaging technologies. While most of the work accomplished by the 40-odd people who joined me in this project as graduate research assistants and postdoctoral associates has been published in refereed journals, not all of it has, so I've linked the TRIP annual reports from 1994 to 2017 to this page.

You will also find links to more recent papers and reports in the nav bar at left. If you really, really want to know my professional history, there's a link to my current CV on the left.

Finally, because why not, I've built a page on my other loves, such as sailing and sailboat cruising, hiking, gardening, and generally life in the Pacific Norhtwest, with logs, pics, stories, and links to other web resources that appeal to me.


Picture courtesy of one of our co-cruisers on a summer 2016 flotilla to Desolation Sound. This page draws on the TRIP website at Rice, originally designed by Kirk D. Blazek in 2006, with contributions by Ivy Gonzales. I'm very grateful to them for showing the way. Maintained by William W. Symes.