Annual Report, 2013
Slides sets from review meeting, 6 May 2014
Expanded Abstracts, SEG 2013:
- Subsurface domain image warping by horizontal contraction and its application to wave-equation migration velocity analysis, P. Shen and W. W. Symes
- Inversion velocity analysis via differential semblance optimization in the depth oriented extension, Y. Liu, W. W. Symes, Y. Huang, and Z. Li
- Multisource least-squares extended reverse time migration with preconditioned guided gradient method, Y. Liu, W. W. Symes, and Z. Li
- Sparse Radon transform with dual gradient ascent algorithm, Y. Liu, Z. Peng, W. W. Symes, and W. Yin
Expanded Abstracts SEG 2014 (submitted):
- An approximate inverse to the extended Born modeling operator, J. Hou and W. W. Symes
- Wave equation based stencil optimizations on multi-core CPU, M. Zhou and W. W. Symes
- Linearized extended waveform inversion, Y. Huang and W. W. Symes